Last month we participated in Melanoma March. Together we helped raise $222,684 towards finding the cure for Melanoma. Thank you for joining in on the fundraiser fun! If you would still like to donate it’s not too late!
Sun Smart
What is Photosensitivity and how does it affect your skin?
Photosensitivity is a heightened skin sensitivity or an unusual reaction when you are exposed to UV radiation. This can be caused by some prescription medication, over-the-counter medications, medical conditions, genetic disorders or even some skin care products.
There are two types of reactions.
A Phototoxic reaction occurs when a medication you are taking, or a skin product you are using, is activated by exposure to UV light and causes damage to the skin that looks and feels like sunburn. It can occur within minutes or after hours of exposure.
A Photoallergic reaction is less common and occurs when UV rays interact with the ingredients in medicines or topically applied products. The immune system recognises changes caused by sun exposure as a foreign threat, resulting in the body producing antibodies and attacks, resulting in a rash, blisters, red bumps or even oozing lesions.
If you have had a Photosensitivity reaction you are at a heightened risk of developing skin cancers. You should always try to minimise your sun exposure and always protect yourself against the suns rays.
For more information on Photosensitivity please see the link below.
Welcome 2021
Merry Christmas 2020
Kids with Cancer- Footy Colours Week
Welcome Spring
🌞 SPRING 🌷 The sunshine the last few days has given us a taste of what’s to come with the new season. Although we are stuck at home a lot nowadays, don’t forget to protect your skin while enjoying the sunshine! If the UV is above 3, make sure you apply sunscreen and wear protective clothing while soaking up some Vitamin D and enjoying the colours of spring.
The Ballarat Surgicentre has recently been assessed by our accreditation body, Global Mark, against AS/NZS ISO 9001-2016 Quality Management Systems.
The Ballarat Surgicentre gained the Certificate of approval in July 2020. A big thank you to all staff and management in their involvement in achieving this certification. We will also be welcoming a representative from Infection Prevention Victoria to the facility within the next month; to complete our regular compliance audits along with hand hygiene checks.
COVID-19 Coronavirus Safety Measures
As we are all well aware, the COVID-19 Coronavirus has changed the way we operate in our everyday life. Here at the Ballarat Surgicentre we continue to implement safety precautions and screening measures to ensure our patients and staff are kept safe during these difficult times. While we continue to operate as per normal, we require our patient’s cooperation in ensuring we can all remain safe and well during these times. If you start to show any signs or symptoms of a runny nose, sore throat, fever, chills, shortness of breath or have been in contact with a confirmed case of COVID-19 please call the facility as we will need to reschedule your appointment.
As it is now mandatory in Victoria to wear a face covering while outside of your home, we require all our patients and carers to please wear a face covering into the facility. Every patient and carer who enters the facility is screened with a variety of questions, temperatures taken and are asked to use the hand sanitisers upon arrival. If there is anyone who fails to pass this screening, they are asked to re-appoint. All staff at the Ballarat Surgicentre also have their temperature taken daily and are wearing face masks around the facility to ensure the safety of all individuals.
The Ballarat Surgicentre team understand that these are unprecedented times that are forever changing, so your continued support and cooperation is greatly appreciated.