Ballarat Surgicentre
Specialist Private Day Hospital
Welcome to Ballarat Surgicentre
The Ballarat Surgicentre is a purpose built Private Day Hospital and is certified and accredited to AS/NZS ISO 9001-2016: Quality Management Systems- Requirements and the National Safety and Quality Health Service Standards (NSQHS) Second Edition.
The Ballarat Surgicentre has an established reputation for excellence and is equipped with a state of the art operating theatre, treatment rooms and recovery rooms. We remain committed to the promotion & advancement of safe, same day surgery.
The values that underpin our behaviour
Our Team of Specialists and highly trained Staff take pride in their work to ensure that all patients receive excellent care and service whilst visiting our facility.
Latest news
Donate to Daffodil Day in August
Cancer Councils annual Daffodil Day this year is Thursday, 22nd August. This
Supporting Bowel Cancer Awareness
For the month of June, the Ballarat Surgicentre was proud to participate
Check for signs of skin cancer
Get to know your skin The sooner a skin cancer is identified and treated,
The Ballarat Skin Cancer Centre
The Ballarat Skin Cancer Centre operates from the Ballarat Surgicentre.
Visit the website for more information.