The Great Surgicentre Bake Off

The Ballarat Surgicentre team have raised $537.00 in support of the Cancer Council Australia’s Biggest Morning Tea – 2024.

Staff competed in the Great Surgicentre Bake off. Competition was fierce and we certainly enjoyed devouring the competition entries.

Thank you to our patients who have also supported our fundraising efforts for this worthy cause. 


Why is UV a risk in the snow?

UV levels can be more intense in the snow for two reasons:

The atmosphere is thinner at high altitudes and absorbs less UV radiation from the sun. UV radiation intensity increases by about 10–12% for every 1000 metres of altitude.
Snow is highly reflective. On a sunny day, clean fresh snow can reflect up to 90% of UV radiation. This means you can be exposed to almost a double dose of UV – directly from the sun and bouncing off snow-covered surfaces.
UV radiation from the sun – not heat – is the main cause of damage increasing your skin cancer risk.