Skin Cancer Action Week

With two in three Australians being diagnosed with Skin Cancer within their lifetime, this shows we need to do more to promote proper sun protection.

November 20th – 26th is the Cancer Councils National Skin Cancer Action week.

Research shows that many Australians, particularly men, aren’t using all 5 forms of sun protection.

Over exposure to UV radiation causes 95% of Melanomas. Sadly, around 2000 Australians will die each year from this disease, and it is estimated that almost twice as many men as women will die from melanoma this year alone.

When the UV level is 3 or above, sun protection is required. Be sure to use all 5 forms of sun protection.

  • Slip on sun protective clothing.
  • Slop on broad spectrum, water resistant SPF30 or higher sunscreen. 
  • Slap on a hat – broad brim or legionnaire style to protect your face, head, neck, and ears.
  • Seek shade
  • Slide on sunglasses

Footy Colours Week

The team at the Ballarat Surgicentre participated in Footy Colours Week from the 12th to 21st September to raise money for the Fight Cancer Foundations Kids with Cancer Project. It was a fun filled 2 weeks of events that everyone got involved in. We managed to raise a total of $604.15 for this great cause. A big thankyou to all of our wonderful patients who generously donated, and who got into the Footy spirit by wearing their team colours as well. A fun filled couple of weeks for all involved for a very worthy cause. 

Footy Colours Week

Its AFL finals fever! The Ballarat Surgicentre staff will be participating in Footy Colours Week from Monday 12th September to Thursday 22nd September raising funds for kids with cancer. Staff will be getting into the spirit by wearing their beloved AFL team colours. All patients are encouraged to wear their team colours to their appointments. 

Every dollar donated goes towards funding Fight Cancer Foundation’s education support programs, which helps kids with cancer keep up with school while receiving and recovering from life saving treatment. 

If you wish to donate to this great cause, donations can be made in reception over the two weeks. We hope to see you around with your footy colours on! 


RU OK DAY September 8th 2022

The Ballarat Surgicentre will be supporting R U OK? Day on Thursday 8th September. We will encourage all staff members and patients to wear a touch of yellow. Along with this we have a fundraising box with ribbons, pens, and bands to purchase and a morning tea. Please feel free to contribute where you can!

A place where asking the question “Are you ok?’ can really work is in the workplace. As employers or staff, we can all create a culture where people feel confident asking and answering this simple yet important question. Beside our legal responsibility of providing a safe and healthy workplace, these conversations can make a real difference to staff going through a tough time.
Please see that we have placed around the building, some information sheets on how YOU can start a conversation.
For more information on how you can ask R U OK? Go to


Legacy Week

The Ballarat Surgicentre is participating in Legacy Week from 28th August – 3rd September. A donation box has been placed in reception should you wish to donate, buy a badge, pen or keyring and help us support the families of our veterans. Legacy badges may be little but the funds they raise make a big impact in the lives of our veterans families. Feel free to pop in and see the ladies on reception. Every bit helps. 

When to put sunscreen on?

Many sunscreens recommend reapplying every two hours. But another way to look at it is like painting a wall of your house. The first coat gets a reasonable coverage, but a reapplication 20-30 minutes after being in the sun – after the first coat has “dried” – gets you much more reliable coverage. And this will cover the bits you may have missed, or covered too thinly, on first pass.

Also, use it generously. Most people use too little (between a quarter and three-quarters) of the amount of sunscreen necessary to achieve the sun protection claimed on the label. A teaspoon per limb is a good rule of thumb. Add another teaspoon for your face, front and back. This comes to seven teaspoons (35ml) in all if you are at the beach in board shorts or a bikini.

Layer it on and spread it around. Reapply every two hours or more often if you are active (sweating, towelling off, skin making physical contact with anything that might rub it off), even if the bottle claims four-hour water resistance. And a good idea is to check if the lotion hasn’t passed its use-by date.

Use other things to protect your skin too. Hats, shade, clothing and even staying indoors at the highest UV periods. The closer to solar noon, usually between midday and 12.30pm, the higher the UV.

Source: Cancer Council



The team at Ballarat Surgicentre participated in NAIDOC Week from Monday 4th July to Friday 8th July. NAIDOC Week celebrations are held each July to celebrate the history, culture and achievements of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples. NAIDOC is celebrated by our Indigenous communities and Australians from all walks of life. The Ballarat Surgicentre team participated by wearing Indigenous designed scrub hats and scrunchies throughout the week. 


New Staff Members

The Ballarat Surgicentre would like to welcome two new staff members to our clinical team. 

Brittney and Indi. 

You will see their bright and bubbly faces around the clinic so be sure to say hi and make them feel welcome. 




A friendly reminder for Winter 2022 to stay warm and protect yourselves from the elements.

UVB rays can burn and damage your skin year-round, especially at high altitudes and on reflective surfaces such as snow or ice. Snow reflects up to 80 percent of the sun’s UV light, so the rays hit you twice, further increasing your risk of skin cancer and premature aging.



The ABCDE rule for skin cancer is a handy acronym that can help you identify potential skin cancers.

The letters stand for “Asymmetrical, Border, Color, Diameter, Evolving.” A new or changing spot or mole on your skin may be a sign of cancer.

When in doubt, it’s best to have a doctor check it out.