Welcome to 2025!

As we welcome the new year, we need to remember that this period is a crucial time to be SunSmart. In Australia, we’re exposed to some of the harshest and most dangerous levels of ultraviolet (UV) radiation in the world, and need to protect ourselves properly to avoid sunburn, heatstroke and skin cancer.

Always remember to:

  • Slip – on clothing that creates a barrier between you and the sun.
  • Slop – on SPF 50+ sunscreen and reapply every two hours.
  • Slap – on a wide brim, bucket or legionnaire hat, that covers as much of your face and skin as possible.
  • Seek – shade wherever possible. Sitting under a tree, finding an umbrella or shade structure is a great way to protect your skin.
  • Slide – on a pair of sunglasses that are large enough to fully cover your eyes and can provide sun protection from all angles.

Also remember to check the daily UV index rating, which can be found on the SunSmart website and app. UV radiation is the most dangerous form of energy as it causes sunburn, cell damage and skin cancer. The fact that we cannot see it or feel it means we should be especially cautious and always check the UV index daily.